Account Details
SteamID64 76561198025810326
SteamID3 [U:1:65544598]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:32772299
Country United States
Signed Up February 17, 2014
Last Posted June 6, 2024 at 1:00 AM
Posts 2285 (0.6 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 3
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Raw Input 1
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1 ⋅⋅ 146 147 148 149 150 151
#35 TF2Pug.Me in Projects
deetrI feel like there should be a way to log in to Steam or some sort of verification so that idiots don't steal names or use stupid names. Probably not an issue now but once more people start using the site I could see it being a problem.

Integrating steam login should do it.

posted about 9 years ago
#97 About cl_interp and hit registeration in TF2 General Discussion

I hope it's not bad form to still be posting in this, but what's the difference between update rates 66 and 67? Wouldn't 67 make more sense since servers run at 66.66666... As opposed to just 66?

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Seagull Jump? in Videos

I heard someone describe "The Seagull Jump" as a jump from process mid to second, but I wasn't exactly sure what they were talking about...

Is a so called Seagull Jump that he used all the time even something that exists and is this video an inkling of what it was?


posted about 9 years ago
#36 My friend is suicidal and i feel powerless. in Off Topic

What brings a little hope for Mukhtar's thread is the top reply to it

Resolve conflicts, don't exacerbate them.

wesporYou know, I did this once. My friends and I cut one of our crew out because he was acting like a total asshole all the time. Turns out he was just going through a rough patch and without anyone around to support him he just committed suicide. It's been around 8 years now and I still feel guilty.
Moral of the story, talk it out first. One on one or with a group, call it an asshole intervention but don't just cut someone you once cared about out of your life without a fight.
posted about 9 years ago
#5 Alternatives to Prec for Mac? in Q/A Help
bind "r" "demo"
alias "demo" "record_demo"
alias "record_demo" "record;echo RECORDING"
alias "stop_demo" "stop;echo STOPPING"
bind "alt" "+toggleState"
alias "+toggleState" "alias demo stop_demo"
alias "-toggleState" "alias demo record_demo"

Pressing r starts the demo, alt+r ends it. This is just if you want '1' key to do all that, tbh just bind two keys to start and stop.
You can rebind keys to w/e.
I haven't had the chance to test this, but I'm confident that it works.
Bookmarks appear to be a p-rec only thing though :(

posted about 9 years ago
#2 Logitech no longer replacing g400s in Hardware

59.99 USD

Technical Specifications
Fusion Engine hybrid sensor
8 programmable buttons
On-the-fly DPI Switching
32-bit ARM processor
1 millisecond report
High-speed clicking
Full-speed USB

Resolution: 240-4000 dpi
Max. acceleration: >16G*
Max. speed: >500 ips* (About 12.7 m/s)

* Tested on Logitech G240 Gaming Mouse Pad
USB data format: 16 bits/axis
USB report rate: 1000 Hz (1ms)
Microprocessor: 32-bit

Dynamic coefficient of friction -: .09 µ (k)* (Ice on ice gives .03 dynamic coefficient of friction, that is during movement)
Static coefficient of friction -: .14 µ (s)* (Ice on ice gives 0.1 static friction, that is, from a standstill)

*Tested on wood-veneer desktop.

Buttons (Left / Right): 20 million clicks
Feet: 155.3 mi (250 km)

Physical specifications
Height: 5.4 in (136 mm)
Width: 2.8 in (72 mm)
Depth: 1.6 in (41 mm)
Weight: 5.1 oz (144 grams,mouse plus cable)
Weight: 3.8 oz (108 grams,mouse without cable)
Length Cable: 7 ft. ( 2.1 m)

posted about 9 years ago
#202 Personality Types in Off Topic

Introvert(33%) iNtuitive(25%) Feeling(12%) Perceiving(33%)


The detailed description was so eerily accurate I was shocked

Also I share this with J. R. R. Tolkien, and Mary mother of Jesus (did they just guess?) nice.

posted about 9 years ago
#5 Crosshairs in Q/A Help

Have fun. :o

Do you really want us to bring that thread back?

Edit: I don't actually use ":^)" simple green +'s are good enough for me.

posted about 9 years ago
#5 BBall Fragvideo 3 by Aron in Videos

Always love me a good bbal frag vid

posted about 9 years ago
#12 intellimouse seller legit??? in Hardware

I have one, been using it since 2003, and still going strong. Works quite well considering it's 400 dpi 125 hz. I'm on windows 8 or I would have overclocked it.

posted about 9 years ago
#12 Just a little goodbye in TF2 General Discussion
indecencyi dont know you whatsoever but farewell fellow scout main (thats just wishful thinking because scout mains are the best people on the planet)

Of all the insensetive-

posted about 9 years ago
#13 Matt eats a salad in Off Topic

Man that looks delicious.

The salad looks good too I guess.

posted about 9 years ago
#77 Highschool stories in Off Topic

Man you guys have some awesome stories.

Most of my memories have to do with music, and all the events revolving around that. Joining the Baroque Ensemble and being invited to national music conventions to give clinics, making all-state orchestra and taking a road trip to go perform on a covered ice rink because our orchestra was so huge. As we finished the zambonis Came out to do their ice thing.

Each trip was an extended trip and I remember practicing and hanging out in our hotel rooms With fellow members. My sophomore year I remember coming out of the shower to find my hotel room mates who were both seniors watching porn on the room's tv, and I remember being really embarrased and they just laughed. Then our room got billed for the porn and they got chewed out for an hour by a livid Director. I was just about the most sheltered nerd you could imagine and high school really taught me a lot of unintended things.

Now I'm in my senior year and I can only imagine life after high school is gonna be even more unexpected.

posted about 9 years ago
#140 Personality Types in Off Topic



Seems pretty accurate.

posted about 9 years ago
#10 ESEA Invite: Froyotech vs. Street Hoops eSports + eLevate TF2 in Events

Good cast Marxist and Getawhale, except for "pyro is a pick class"

posted about 9 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 146 147 148 149 150 151