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Last Posted April 28, 2016 at 2:02 PM
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#77 in Projects

Yeah, they did on Process if i am not mistaken. They almost lost turbine too.

posted about 9 years ago
#7 dummy being replaced with who? in The Dumpster

Is it confirmed that dummy is not coming to i52 ?

posted about 9 years ago
#19 Remade Stream Request in Requests

I don't understand this... Tviq for example has stopped playing TF2 and only plays CS.GO and a few other games but is on the streaming list, yet Latias can't ?

There are far too many people on the streaming list that either don't play competitive most of the time, or play other games. Not only it's unreasonable but it's pretty stupid to have rules for ones, but not for others.

posted about 9 years ago
#41 - free server reservations in Projects

Ridiculous amount of effort from you as always. Most people i know use daily, you really have something great going on. Can't wait to see more stuff that you might be working on.

posted about 9 years ago
#38 CUBE and BoneS i49 LAN Movie Democall in TF2 General Discussion

Super excited, can't wait for the final result! Great work as always

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Scoreboard now shows Damage in TF2 General Discussion

It seems to me that in the middle of everyone discussing the issues or non-issues with the Demoman balance, people haven't noticed a decent change in TF2.

From the June 18th Update Changelog:

Undocumented changes
- The scoreboard now displays support points and damage dealt on non-MvM maps.

Not sure if it's cause people haven't updated their HUDs but next to the Kills, Deaths, Headshots, Captures and what not, there is now Damage which shows how much damage you have done throughout the entire match.


Funny enough, i was playing a pickup a bit ago and i noticed a slight difference in the overall damage by the end of the match between what showed up on my HUD (3960) and what was on the log from (4184).

Are Valve calculating damage in a different way ? Thought it was worth discussing since i didn't see that anyone had noticed such a change :)

posted about 9 years ago
#573 MAJOR TF2 update for 6/18/14 (6/19/14, Love & War) in TF2 General Discussion

The biggest issue that i am finding is that higher division players, players that have an impact in the community are not acting responsively and are just flinging shit around. Casters are talking beyond logic and making people that watch the stream to see competitive TF2 question what is going on. I am honestly quite annoyed that people are acting as if it's the fucking end of the world, when it's literally the same game, but the demo can't be as caught out as before.

People are talking about Promods, Cvars and what not, but that will create even more distance between Public and Competitive. I also want to see how that would afect LAN and competitions between different Leagues and different Regions. It's really such a short sighted idea... There are more leagues than just ETF2L, and if ETF2L does implement the new Cvar that Annakin created (tf_sticky_fulldamage 1) then it will affect how players prepare for different leagues, or different game modes (6s, Highlander).

Accepting a plugin, a promod or even a cvar is opening a can of worms, people will start asking for other stuff to be changed and or removed. Weapons made in the future might not be accepted. TF2 is about team play, yet a change to a weapon of one class is making people talk about the end of competitive play. Get a grip.

It's honestly great to see that some higher level players in both America and Australia are taking it cool and moving on, it's an evolution, and it might not even be a permanent change, Valve could possibly reverse.

Yet.. we see Epsilon playing a pcw without a demoman whatsoever and instead playing with a heavy. With attitudes like that, of course people will be flinging shit and be scared the meta is gonna change.

I might be a scrub, and my insight might come from someone that plays around the div 4 level, but as it is, as long as certain people (ahum...) continue acting like only and only Prem level insights are welcome then they will be able to pull as much shit as they want, and we have seen the results of that (ESL, others).

posted about 9 years ago
#561 MAJOR TF2 update for 6/18/14 (6/19/14, Love & War) in TF2 General Discussion
mustardoverlordisn't it obvious that valve doesn't give a fuck about comp tf2 and we should start pulling away as soon as possible?

.. LOL

posted about 9 years ago
#493 MAJOR TF2 update for 6/18/14 (6/19/14, Love & War) in TF2 General Discussion
marmadukeGRYLLSfrom that video someone posted well aimed stickies do 70 dmg close range. you still 2 shot scouts. the "we need better close range ability" argument is hilarious. you're supposed to get raped when you put yourself in a spot to get bombed/rushed.

start aiming stickies better and your damage will still be around everyone else's. having all the classes putting out similar dpm isn't the worst thing in the world.

#485: yes, everyone will now have to aim to get kills on off uber pushes, and fights will last longer. there will also be a ton more opportunities to push off uber because of the lowered demo dmg.

btw to the EU guys posting in folks rejected unlocks and played vanilla for how long? i get the feeling that any change to the game that you can't cvar/whitelist out is going to upset you. try having a more open minded approach :)

By very far, the best post i have seen.

Both Platinum, Marmaduke, Marxist and a few other people are making complete sense.

The fact is, if you actually properly aim your stickies, they still do 60-70 damage each. People have got far too used to just spamming a certain area instead of aiming like they should.

If you get caught up on a 1vs1 with a scout, chances are, you put yourself in a bad position, you overextended or you didn't put a trap (stickies after 2 seconds do the same damage as they always did).

After playing a few matches, the game still plays exactly the same, demos just have to be slightly more careful to not be caught out.

Like Marmaduke pointed out, the game will hopefully be slightly faster due to less output damage from the demoman.

And again.. Demomans got far too comfortable with the amount of damage they did in the past, so how many of them actually aim the stickies, and not just throw in a certain area .. 70 damage per sticky is still quite high and manageable.

Valve most likely are not gonna revert, and creating a Promod is honestly a horrible idea, like many said, we are dependent on people from public servers, and a Promod goes agains't everything we have been trying to achieve for a very long time which was to bring them over to Competitive, either by doing events, or catering to them by allowing certain weapons, game modes, what not.

Stop whining and just play the game, the more you play, the more you will realize it's still the same. Adapt for fuck sake!

posted about 9 years ago
#67 Uber Tracking Hud Mod in Customization

Both me and Khan have taken a look to see what other events can be used, but it's extremely difficult to tell. For one, i have no experience in HUD making, i just kinda see what people do, and then mess around with it to make it more to my style. Khan though, he knows his stuff, and has helped me plenty, i can't talk for him much, but as far as i know, he took and look as well and hasn't found any event either.

Maybe contacting Valve wouldn't be a horrible idea, not necessarily to ask them to implement it as it would take time and effort for them, but something a lot more simple, just a hand on which event to bind it to which they should be very well aware since it's their game.

posted about 9 years ago
#93 The Doritos master is back! in TF2 General Discussion

He is absolutely hilarious, i would never be able to do anything like that. I wonder if he gets like royalties from Valve, how much he got out of it. He seems like a great chap and genuinely likes TF2 and is having some fun.

posted about 9 years ago
#58 The Doritos master is back! in TF2 General Discussion
yuki"am i doin this rite?"

"super doge bros xD"

"thanks 4 watcheing"

"2-8pm america time" with the M in America being the McDonald's M.

Rightio then. This is just excessive being a goofball to be ironic and just downright looks like a massive goober. I didn't really mind the guy but this is a bit over the top. Always good to have more experienced players around, though.

You are completely right, he is an absolute duchebag that tries to act all ironic. His whole "YOLO" attitude stinks to be honest, and it hasn't been just one occasion where he proved himself to be a knob-head.

Yeah it's great to have him back, if only for himself to play the greatest game of all time, but also cause certain people like him.

He definitely should tone it down a little bit. He comes off as really arrogant.

All in all, good for him to be back, hope he changes his attitude though.

posted about 9 years ago
#146 Twitch TFTV invitational ideas in TF2 General Discussion

John, i would consider talking to Arie, even though he is on the EU side, he will most definitely give you a hand with servers i would guess. He has done far too much for the community and am sure he is willing to help once more.

posted about 10 years ago
#64 Uber Tracking Hud Mod in Customization

The medics job can be a hard one, keeping up with the uber advantages/disadvantages, having good positioning, knowing the general health of the team, and when to pop or not. Thankfully, a lot of these are easier nowadays thanks to the help of a lot of great people, be it the Medic Radar that helps you know the health of your team mates as well as their positions, or the uber tracking mod that lets you focus on your game instead of having the count the uber all the time.

When i saw the whole thread i thought of a few examples that would be exactly what i would had always imagined if Valve was to ever implement it, or even someone from the community.

I gave it a general go at editing the hud by myself and pretty much came up with nothing. It was all too confusing to me to be honest so i took open drawing a few examples in Photoshop first.

The following examples are using eveHUD, and certain elements might not be up to scale as it was a rush job in photoshop

Example 1
Example 2 - As the Yellow bar is filling (Kritz), the White bar (Uber) is filling on top.

Khan has been an absolute champ and has helped me not only understand the whole HUD editing, but made me be able to do it by myself.

Now, unfortunately i am not very good at this whole HUD editing thing, so the final result is not exactly what i pictured, but it's close enough.

Final Result

If anyone wants the HUD just give me a shout and i can provide you it, it works perfectly in 1920x1080 and uses the fonts from eveHUD.

If someone was to be able to accomplish the result of the 2nd example it would be great but it might be a little bit to difficult.

Many thanks to everyone that made this possible. I am one happy medic :)

posted about 10 years ago
#51 Uber Tracking Hud Mod in Customization

I would be willing to give a hat or two for someone who could implement this to eveHUD :D

posted about 10 years ago
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