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SteamID64 76561198027647702
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Country United Kingdom
Signed Up December 19, 2012
Last Posted April 28, 2016 at 2:02 PM
Posts 144 (0 per day)
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#50 Uber Tracking Hud Mod in Customization

Has anyone implemented this mod to eveHud yet ?

posted about 10 years ago
#41 Add IRC to your TF2 in Customization

After playing around with it for a while more, it seems to be working now which am quite happy about.

Is there a way to make the pages open in new tabs instead of new windows ?

I found a lot of code that seems to say that yes it's possible, but not sure if it would work as i know nothing about it.

<head runat="server">
   <script type="text/javascript">
       function openinnewTab() {
           var win ="", '_blank');

  <asp:Button ID="btn_newtab" OnClientClick="openinnewTab();" runat="server"  Text="" />
posted about 10 years ago
#38 Add IRC to your TF2 in Customization

It's not, cause when i just leave the default motd file and don't put anywhere the new file the menu appears in game, just not with the changes..

posted about 10 years ago
#36 Add IRC to your TF2 in Customization

Right, so what i just tested was:

- Leave the original motd_entries file in /tf/cfg
- Create a motd_entries file in /tf/custom/custom/cfg/

As soon as i open the game the window is not there.

posted about 10 years ago
#34 Add IRC to your TF2 in Customization

It doesn't seem to be working out for me. For reference, i use evehud. I don't have a current motd_entries on my custom folder, so i went ahead and deleted the one from /tf/cfg and put the one from the OP. Once i turn the game on, the window is just not there. By deleting the motd_entries again and starting the game, the window will now be there, but it's the default one of the game.

posted about 10 years ago
#39 Twitch TFTV invitational ideas in TF2 General Discussion

What is the possibility of doing the same tournament for Europe after the first one is done ?

Another idea that would bring huge numbers would be an NA Vs EU Invitational with the best teams from both sides.

posted about 10 years ago
#10 i52 Donation Drive in LAN Discussion

Epsilon are the only team at the moment with the right sponsor that could potentially send them to NA (but i got no idea if they would or if they have the interest). I quite like the way this thread is going. It would probably be better tournament wise as Epsilon would be facing better opponents, and it would be finally the first TF2 lan in NA with the majority of the community.

It is true that NA has come to Europe twice, so in all fairness it could be better/easier to send just Epsilon.

Again, i don't know about the costs as Epsilon would have players from all over europe, and to my knowledge, the team isn't finalized yet.

posted about 10 years ago
#8 i52 Donation Drive in LAN Discussion

I honestly think you plugged at the right time, that seems to be the way around it. Everyone (am guessing) would love to see the Euros, the Muricas and the Aussies battle it out again, and i always thought i52 was the place for it to happen, but i guess i misjudged how big GXL was gonna be. If the Americans already have a lan set, with bigger numbers, more production, then it might be better for an European team to go.

As it is right now, considering what Kaidus said yesterday on Fully Charged, i52 would mostly consist of Epsilon, Epsilon and more Epsilon (mind you, i don't have the knowledge, so there might be teams in the making), so instead of bringing an american and aussie team to battle out a lot of teams that are clearly not their level just to be able to go one on one agains't Epsilon, might be better to send Epsilon to battle a few teams that could be on it's level in America.

If that was to happen, would sending Aussies to GXL be doable ?

posted about 10 years ago
#6 i52 Donation Drive in LAN Discussion

That's something i didn't consider, how many teams should we be sending to i52 and.. should we even do such donation drive. Due to time constraints i don't follow NA as much as i would like, so i didn't know that GXL was looking to be the lan for all the NA teams, that's quite cool in itself.

What kind of costs would there be needed to literally just send one team to i52 if anyone's got an idea.

posted about 10 years ago
#4 i52 Donation Drive in LAN Discussion

How so, do you have any feedback besides me talking out of my ass ?

posted about 10 years ago
#2 i52 Donation Drive in LAN Discussion

Forgot about a major one, but if Twitch John was to help, then it would be even easier to plug more numbers on the stream, increasing our chances of a better drive.

posted about 10 years ago
#229 i52 in TF2 General Discussion

Guys, i just opened a thread about an i52 Donation Drive, please take a look and comment :D

posted about 10 years ago
#1 i52 Donation Drive in LAN Discussion

While watching yesterdays Fully Charged, i was reminded of the upcoming i52, the next big European lan when it comes to TF2 and how the Americans are probably not gonna come (thank you for the wake up call Kaidus.. you dick) :D

I find it that there is definitely a lack of direction when it comes to organizing something. I am absolutely not here to criticize anyone, or say that i would do better, cause i know myself i wouldn't, but i do have a few ideas of the top of my head and in all honestly, if everyone was to help, it could be done.

The biggest people when it comes to organizing these kinds of events seem to be in my perspective: Admirable, Lange, Truktruk, Atmo, Huhy, and a few other people (it's far too early in the morning, if i honestly forgot anyone, i am honestly sorry).

Now, we just had the Tip of the Hats happen recently and what a fantastic event it was, from the fantastic production values, to the amount of hours of stream, and the number of people plugging in.

In my view, something on the same level would have to be done for the i52 Donation Drive.

In my personal opinion, the best way around it would be an Intercontinental Championship! It would essentially be the Invitational Cup #3.

The way i see it, to make it last longer and more interesting it would have to involve both scenes (if not the Asian and Australian too), and it would be two tournaments happening in two separate days, one for each scene.

There are two ways around it which i am gonna be explaining now:

Each one day cup would be a typical Invitational where if you lose a match, you are thrown to the lower bracket. In the end, the team who wins the American Upper Bracket final goes on to meet the European Lower Bracket final contestant from the other cup, and the European Upper Bracket final goes to meet the American Lower Bracket final. From there, there would be the Grand Finals with the best team from both scenes.

The other way around it would be just running two separate Invitational tournaments, still where if you lose a match, you are thrown to the lower bracket. But instead, the Grand Finals winner of each tournament meets each other for an Intercontinental Match. Essentially bringing the emotions of seeing your favorite teams of each scene playing it out through the tournament, and after, having a climaxing Grand Finals with the best team of each continent.

With that said, it would have to have great production values, and in my personal view, i do believe it should be ran (run?) in multiple days to give it more hype, more build up, and more than anything, to allow it to have more time for the Donation itself.

I am quite literally no one in this scene and i couldn't possibly make it happen by myself but i am definitely willing to help with anything as i believe this would be the best scenario to make i52 happen the way everyone wants it to happen.

I would appreciate any feedback or criticism, but keep it positive and lets make this happen. Contact your favorite teams, casters, organizers and pester them with this thread :)

Thank you

posted about 10 years ago
#13 Stream HUD in Customization

It looks absolutely fantastic now. Hopefully a new Scoreboard and new Overlay will be on the way too, here's me hoping. Thank you very much for the help Ducky

posted about 10 years ago
#6 Stream HUD in Customization

That's great then, so one of the issues is sorted, and the medigun is an easy change as far as i can tell from what you said.

There is still the issue with the scoreboard though, at least in my personal opinion.

posted about 10 years ago
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