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Signed Up September 10, 2012
Last Posted July 4, 2013 at 7:05 PM
Posts 188 (0 per day)
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#11 Feeling more than just a Bit Down in Off Topic

exercise (ideally a couple of hours a day), change your diet, find a community to get involved with. don't be on the computer more than a couple hours a day; try to avoid spending long stretches of time sitting down in general.

if you feel sad or "empty" most of the time and have trouble sleeping you may want to call for a medic irl as these can be symptoms of depression

posted about 10 years ago
#24 Team Québec? in TF2 General Discussion

can my transnistrian team participate in the nations cup as well

posted about 10 years ago
#29 HRG all female cod team in Off Topic
mochadoes this mean sexism is over

i thought sexism was over years ago and everything since then has been fabrications by feminazi supremacists to keep straight white guys down

but idk im probably blinded by my overly emotional female nature we should find a man to ask

posted about 10 years ago
#12 idk anymore in Off Topic
serv0That website is for "lols" and everyone there is basically trolling, none of that website is serious.

The website is satire. There is a significant difference between satire and trolling. It's not "for lols"; it serves a serious purpose.

(and yes, that thread has been posted repeatedly here, on SPUF, etc)

posted about 10 years ago
#50 I need a 6v6 scout mentor in Mentoring

better than tenaciousg

posted about 10 years ago
#15 ESEA-Invite: HRG vs. tri Hards in Events

1-0 HRG. Snakewater last MVP

posted about 10 years ago
#34 Mason dropped from Classic Mixup in TF2 General Discussion

the new team is clearly going to be harbleu medic, platinum demo, enoryt pocket, seagull roamer, syckness & oplaid scouts. you heard it here first or my name isn't cbear!*

Show Content
* note: that may actually not be my name
posted about 10 years ago
#97 The Unpopular Opinion in TF2 General Discussion

it's not really possible to make competitive tf2 more interesting by using other classes, because heavy and engineer and pyro are literally monkey retard classes that are cheap and unrewarding both to play and to play against and should be removed from the game, and spy is only fun to watch when the other team has a collective IQ of 80 because it's an underpowered class designed around a game mode where no one ever communicates anything or pays attention. as for unlocks, most of them are just +stat -stat versions of either stock weapons or other unlocks. sometimes something genuinely different is introduced—the pyro gets a flare gun, the soldier gets shoes and banners, the scout gets an energy drink and a cleaver, the sniper gets a jar of piss and a shield, etc—but even then a lot of the concepts are kind of ridiculous. "throw this jar in the vague direction of enemy forces to get extra damage for no reason!" again, if a monkey could use the unlock, it's probably bad.

if valve wanted to make the competitive game more fun to watch and less stale here are some suggestions

remove the stupid classes. there should not be things in a game where you can do nothing but stand next to a payload cart and hold M1 and still win. that's like playing baseball with an aimbot and the rocket jumper.
remove the insta-kills. no spy, no sniper, no random crits, no loch 'n' load type weapons.
add some classes that have interesting skill-indexed abilities. like, what if there was a class with the ability to fly around the map in, like, a hang glider or some shit. that would be pretty interesting. add more projectile weapons with different abilities, since projectiles require more prediction than hitscan.
make it viable to not have a medic. make uber less important. (with engineer removed from the game uber doesn't need to be a hard counter to anything.)
make some competitive maps in other game modes. like reinvent CTF with a neutral flag both teams have to try to capture, or reinvent payload with a cart that automatically goes forward when the attacking team has a numerical advantage. TDM insta-respawn should totally be an official mode btw.
make some unlocks that actually change the way a primary weapon is used. a scout primary that's not a scattergun (maybe the nail gun from the concept?), a soldier primary that's not a rocket launcher.

(this is the considered opinion of someone who only ever played tf2 in pubs and was spectacularly bad at it)

posted about 10 years ago
#73 The Unpopular Opinion in TF2 General Discussion
2cImagine Valve implemented our current ruleset to some ingame matchmaking system and heavily promoted it. "Hey! Play this competitive stuff it's really cool!" These people with a completely different notion of fun would go "oh boy!" and proceed to click find match. They would get into a game and something like this would happen:

"you mean they only play those 5 point cp maps I always go the wrong way on those XD"
"I cant use ANY of my new items? why did I spend all that time trading..."
"why is everyone mad that im heavy..."

actual pub player here, and something else to bear in mind: a mid fight is over in 5 to 15 seconds usually. a round can last one minute. popping uber when confronted by a bombing soldier or w/e requires split second reflexes. knowing whether to push or hold is all about timing—if one has advantage or not, etc.

in pubs, 15 seconds is a short amount of time. the game won't be won or lost in 15 seconds unless it's at the end of a round. rounds can last anywhere from 20 minutes to hours depending on the map; one minute is setup time. when rounds happen as quickly as they would in a 6v6 game, pubbers vote for a team scramble. individual ubers aren't that important, particularly if the enemy is set up with 2 sentries and 3 sticky camping demomen and a heavy. and everything i've seen suggests that pub players have baaaad reflexes, probably even worse than my own 300ms (or so) reaction time. if pubbers liked fast paced gameplay, there wouldn't be nearly as many 32 player instaspawn 2fort servers.

and another thing! in 6v6, comms are along the lines of "they're down, push", "demo took 257, he's weak at train", "we have a 30 percent advantage", "let's run the scouts up through right and then bomb our soldiers in from under point". Most of the time. In pubs, on the rare occasions that comms are used at all, they're more along the lines of "can some of our spies switch to medic?", "does this sound like a reasonable price for a strange original?", "Personally, I thought My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic really went downhill after the first season", "I'm pretty sure this Ruwin Colonthree guy is hacking". People aren't used to talking while they play.

posted about 10 years ago
#38 ESEA-Invite: Classic Mixup vs. HRG in Events

R U OK???

posted about 10 years ago
#22 ESEA-Invite: Classic Mixup vs. HRG in Events
NIU_NIUESEA Invite LAN Champions since S6:

Season 6 - Blight.own (harbleu's team)
Season 7 - eMg (b4nny's team)
Season 8 - x6 gaming (harbleu's team)
Season 9 - eMg (b4nny's team)
Season 10 - Classic Mixup (harbleu's team)
Season 11 - Leviathan Gaming (b4nny's team)
Season 12 - Classic Mixup (harbleu's team)
Season 13 - HRG (b4nny's team)
Season 14 - ???

HRG harbleu confirmed

posted about 10 years ago
#7 ESEA-Invite: Classic Mixup vs. HRG in Events

HRG 5 - 2 AG
HRG 5 - 1 Vector
HRG 5 - 0 .iT
HRG 5 - -1 mix^ ????

posted about 11 years ago
#164 How to Get to In-Game Comp Lobbies in TF2 General Discussion
Isokiriyou know what is really killing competitive tf2?

capture points

how many times has an exciting fast-paced match full of airshots, big demo bombs and epic scout flanks been ruined because some idiot decided to go spy and backcap last when no one was looking? capping points takes no skill, its just standing in one place for 10 seconds, a 3 year old could do that

if valve really wants to support competitive tf2 they should make a game mode with no capture points (or capture point-like gimmicks such as payload carts and flags). come on guys it's a shooter. it should be about shooting people.

This is one of those posts that looks so out of place I genuinely can't tell if it's being sarcastic or not.

i guess this is the wrong community for me :'<

posted about 11 years ago
#158 How to Get to In-Game Comp Lobbies in TF2 General Discussion
enigmathere is a very fundamental problem with highlander that I don't think the valve team has acknowledged:

it requires 18 players.

it's going to be a logistical nightmare to organize that many people in an automated matchmaking setting on top of the strict highlander constraints (1 of each class).

it requires more than 18 players really, seeing as someone will inevitably lag out, or ragequit, or get kicked for trolling. some kind of system for getting backups will have to be in place as well

i assume they'll model it after MVM but i don't remember what exactly the MVM system is—something like "you have x amount of time to rejoin and your team's tickets won't be consumed if you don't" i think

posted about 11 years ago
#150 How to Get to In-Game Comp Lobbies in TF2 General Discussion

you know what is really killing competitive tf2?

capture points

how many times has an exciting fast-paced match full of airshots, big demo bombs and epic scout flanks been ruined because some idiot decided to go spy and backcap last when no one was looking? capping points takes no skill, its just standing in one place for 10 seconds, a 3 year old could do that

if valve really wants to support competitive tf2 they should make a game mode with no capture points (or capture point-like gimmicks such as payload carts and flags). come on guys it's a shooter. it should be about shooting people.

posted about 11 years ago
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