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Signed Up September 10, 2012
Last Posted July 4, 2013 at 7:05 PM
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#45 How to improve ur aim in Q/A Help
KhakiLike seriously, why do you post here


good question actually

posted about 11 years ago
#42 How to improve ur aim in Q/A Help
capnfapnkirinot cool stuff that -fragd
Kiri, according to steam you have only played 720 hours of tf2. You also have only played 7.2 hours in the past two weeks which is very little. Most people that aren't already good at another FPS game don't get very good until about 1000 hours of playtime from what I've noticed. I don't think you're in a very good position to tell people that practice won't get you anywhere if you don't have talent, when you don't seem to have done much practicing.

Tf2 was the first fps game I ever really got into. When I first started I was really REALLY REALLLLYYY bad. I would go 1:10 in pubs as heavy. That's a bit of an exaggeration, but I was really bad. Now after putting a lot of time into practicing. Now when i go play in pubs I get called a hacker every so often when I play sniper. That feels pretty good to me 8)

i've seen people practice a lot and not improve much. i've seen people who rarely ever practice and are still really good. my conclusion from this is that the role of natural talent is underestimated. i mean, maybe i'm wrong and the reason people practice a lot without improving is because they're playing on a trackpad with 700 ping whereas the people who never practice and are still really good had 5000 hours in team fortress classic.

as for me, i don't see a reason to play a lot of tf2. i don't find it that fun to spend hours in dm servers practicing. (i spent most of the 200 hours between soldier/scout/demo in dm and mge, but didn't really enjoy it.) i'm not going to recommend it to other people for its own sake. maybe if you have friends in the community and you enjoy playing with them, it's worth it, but i don't.

posted about 11 years ago
#30 How to improve ur aim in Q/A Help
i wouldn't normally respond to something like this but i feel somewhat obligated to. i am proud to say that i have seen numerous players who were Low Open now in Mid-High IM and are contesting some invite teams. it brings a nerd tear to my eye to see people grow like that. it takes true dedication. while there is some truth to being 'naturally good' at anything, the fatal flaw that those people have is they generally don't nurture their ability and take it for granted. while here you have the LARGE majority of people who aren't naturally talented who put in the hard time to improve. who watch their demos, who are their own worst critics. these are the players who are the next big thing. what you put in to the game is exactly what you get out. all i ask is that you spend your time wisely. be introspective, don't blame others. instead of asking "i did a ton of damage at mid, where were you guys.. ?" ask "what could i have done differently?" this is the outlook of a great player in the making. and i can tell you with overflowing confidence that this game and its players are only getting better. tf2 may be getting a little grey in the mane but she still rides like a dream. play on, brothers.

that's fair enough. i guess if people do feel tf2 rewards the effort to try to improve, more power to them.

(i'd still argue that there is a baseline amount of talent you need to have—or learn to deal without—to compete in low open in the first place, but i probably hang around pubs too much)

posted about 11 years ago
#64 ESEA in TF2 General Discussion
2sy_morphiend"once again hundreds are held hostage to a shitty league because of the lan dreams of 24"

we are the 99%?

posted about 11 years ago
#23 How to improve ur aim in Q/A Help

if you are naturally talented—have a fast reaction time, good hand-eye coordination, good vision, lateral thinking skills, patience—and have good hardware, you can eventually learn to have good aim. if not, the extreme amount of effort required to become good at tf2 is simply not worth it. tf2 is not that rewarding. play for fun and watch invite matches or something.

if you ever are in a situation where you have to ask "why am i bad?", you're never going to be good. To become good you'd have to be capable of analysing your situation and answering that question on your own.

(you'll also notice that people who make threads on asking "how to get better?" never seem to end up in invite/prem, weird huh?)

posted about 11 years ago
#22 Tf2 Dream Team in TF2 General Discussion

some configuration of clockwork, darn!, tagg, tony swan, numlocked, ipz, zalfy, panzerxiii, frank west, and/or pyyyour

just imagine the comms

posted about 11 years ago
#18 whatever happened to signatures? in Site Discussion

great idea! we should also have postcounts, avatars (at least 100x100), smilies, and custom user titles. and donators for only $10 per month can unlock additional bbcodes (like colours, animated/scrolling text, tables etc), upload attachments and get gold names.

also, replace +/- frags with some text saying "You and 3 other people like/dislike this post" and add the ability to post status updates

posted about 11 years ago
#46 Your weirdest dreams in Off Topic

I once dreamed james bond was the spy—as in, the actual james bond movies had him walk around in an all blue suit and balaclava, dispose of enemies via backstab, turn invisible using his wristwatch and disguise by holding a cardboard cutout of an enemy henchman over his face, successfully fooling everyone. The discrepancy between the spy being french and james bond being english apparently never occurred to me.

that was the first indication that maybe i was playing too much tf2

posted about 11 years ago
#133 ESEA s14 Invite Gossip Thread in TF2 General Discussion
NickI dont understand people saying madmen are going to finish above mix-up/hrg, every players position on mixup is better then madmens' unless i missed something?

madmen have been together for a while and play really consistently, most of the other teams are still getting used to new rosters, so they've been beating a lot of teams that look better on paper

preseason scrims don't mean much tho

posted about 11 years ago
#76 Your Biggest Regrets in Off Topic
pie_heroI regret ever having the thought of suicide life is way to beautiful to waste it. Especially because you only have one life #yohol, not to mention the fact that no matter how insignificant you think you are your death will affect someone.

while they don't admit it to me, pretty much all of the (3 or 4) people i know in real life would actually benefit from my death. i regret my life not because it's shitty but because it's pointless

actually, can you regret your genetics? if so i want to change my answer

TF2 wise, i regret not trying to make friends with anyone when i was into the game. having a community of sorts would have made it much more enjoyable.

posted about 11 years ago
#34 Your Biggest Regrets in Off Topic

i regret not killing myself when i was in the right frame of mind to do it

ok that was melodramatic sorry

posted about 11 years ago
#12 Origins of Your Name/Alias in Off Topic

i use a different alias on almost every website/game/whatever

plus if i stay on a site for more than a few months (not very common) i get tired of a name and decide to change it. unfortunately not possible on this site which is why my account name isn't my steam name but i guess i could just make an alt or something

thaumiel is a scp foundation reference. one alias on another forum i got from the first thing i saw on my computer screen when registering. previous tf2 alias was kiriona which i got by pasting random phonemes together. before that i don't remember.

posted about 11 years ago
#11 Anyone need a MS paint avatar? in Off Topic

i would like a picture of the demoman (equipped with pink circling hearts stovepipe and orbiting fire lime green bird-man of aberdeen) hitting a double airshot on 2 soldiers with one pipe while sword fighting against a bear on top of a zeppelin bearing the insignia of the imperial japanese navy that is about to crash into the statue of liberty

no more than 200px on a side please

posted about 11 years ago
#62 how do you think australia will do at i49 in TF2 General Discussion

i think they will surprise the europeans with their prodigious alcohol consumption skills

posted about 11 years ago
#74 Happenings in TF2 General Discussion

same as last season, except they're playing in open this time

posted about 11 years ago
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