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2016 election live results
posted in World Events
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The Mexican flags gets me every time. If you love Mexico so much why dont you go live there and stop shitting up the USA.


The Mexican flags gets me every time. If you love Mexico so much why dont you go live there and stop shitting up the USA.
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On the plus side Tump winning may help build some class consciousness and push us out of this identity politics cess pit.
When the people shall have nothing more to eat, they will eat the rich.

On the plus side Tump winning may help build some class consciousness and push us out of this identity politics cess pit.
When the people shall have nothing more to eat, they will eat the rich.
-1 Frags +
crwMax_MagikarpTHEBILLDOZERMy dad just texted me an essay about how I should be ashamed for not voting and that Texas had a ridiculously small voter turnout and should've been a major player in the election.
Keep in mind Harambe got more write ins than Jill Stein got votes in Texas.
Why didn't you vote? Just wondering, didn't like any of the candidates?
Also votes don't matter in certain states such as Texas and California where Texas has historically been Republican and California has hisotorically been Democratic.

I didn't vote becase my vote wouldn't have changed anything
Penssylvania has been historically Democratic. Not anymore.

People were already keeping an eye on states like Florida and even at the end of the election Pennsylvania. There is no doubt that Texas and California weren't changing which party they were giving their votes to this election

[quote=crw][quote=Max_][quote=Magikarp][quote=THEBILLDOZER]My dad just texted me an essay about how I should be ashamed for not voting and that Texas had a ridiculously small voter turnout and should've been a major player in the election.
Keep in mind Harambe got more write ins than Jill Stein got votes in Texas.[/quote]
Why didn't you vote? Just wondering, didn't like any of the candidates?[/quote]
Also votes don't matter in certain states such as Texas and California where Texas has historically been Republican and California has hisotorically been Democratic.

I didn't vote becase my vote wouldn't have changed anything[/quote]
Penssylvania has been historically Democratic. Not anymore.[/quote]
People were already keeping an eye on states like Florida and even at the end of the election Pennsylvania. There is no doubt that Texas and California weren't changing which party they were giving their votes to this election
8 Frags +

The Mexican flags gets me every time. If you love Mexico so much why dont you go live there and stop shitting up the USA.

desecrating the american flag is the best possible way to show how you only want the best for your country
fuck those people


The Mexican flags gets me every time. If you love Mexico so much why dont you go live there and stop shitting up the USA.[/quote]
desecrating the american flag is the best possible way to show how you only want the best for your country
fuck those people
-5 Frags +
Max_crwMax_MagikarpTHEBILLDOZERMy dad just texted me an essay about how I should be ashamed for not voting and that Texas had a ridiculously small voter turnout and should've been a major player in the election.
Keep in mind Harambe got more write ins than Jill Stein got votes in Texas.
Why didn't you vote? Just wondering, didn't like any of the candidates?
Also votes don't matter in certain states such as Texas and California where Texas has historically been Republican and California has hisotorically been Democratic.

I didn't vote becase my vote wouldn't have changed anything
Penssylvania has been historically Democratic. Not anymore.
People were already keeping an eye on states like Florida and even at the end of the election Pennsylvania. There is no doubt that Texas and California weren't changing which party they were giving their votes to this election

In Texas the Hispanic population is actually projected to pass the white population soon, so Texas isn't going to remain red forever

[quote=Max_][quote=crw][quote=Max_][quote=Magikarp][quote=THEBILLDOZER]My dad just texted me an essay about how I should be ashamed for not voting and that Texas had a ridiculously small voter turnout and should've been a major player in the election.
Keep in mind Harambe got more write ins than Jill Stein got votes in Texas.[/quote]
Why didn't you vote? Just wondering, didn't like any of the candidates?[/quote]
Also votes don't matter in certain states such as Texas and California where Texas has historically been Republican and California has hisotorically been Democratic.

I didn't vote becase my vote wouldn't have changed anything[/quote]
Penssylvania has been historically Democratic. Not anymore.[/quote]
People were already keeping an eye on states like Florida and even at the end of the election Pennsylvania. There is no doubt that Texas and California weren't changing which party they were giving their votes to this election[/quote]

In Texas the Hispanic population is actually projected to pass the white population soon, so Texas isn't going to remain red forever
2 Frags +

watching Karel De Gucht squirm on how this is a "black day for democracy" and crying about how the TTIP is dead is fucking glorious. Thank you so much, Joe, Steve, Bob, and Billy Bob Blow.

watching Karel De Gucht squirm on how this is a "black day for democracy" and crying about how the TTIP is dead is fucking glorious. Thank you so much, Joe, Steve, Bob, and Billy Bob Blow.
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sacwatching Karel De Gucht squirm on how this is a "black day for democracy" and crying about how the TTIP is dead is fucking glorious. Thank you so much, Joe, Steve, Bob, and Billy Bob Blow.

idk man watching Gwendolyn Rutten break down on live TV because 'americans still sexist' was tons better imo

[quote=sac]watching Karel De Gucht squirm on how this is a "black day for democracy" and crying about how the TTIP is dead is fucking glorious. Thank you so much, Joe, Steve, Bob, and Billy Bob Blow.
idk man watching Gwendolyn Rutten break down on live TV because 'americans still sexist' was tons better imo
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The Mexican flags gets me every time. If you love Mexico so much why dont you go live there and stop shitting up the USA.
desecrating the american flag is the best possible way to show how you only want the best for your country
fuck those people

It is ok to be upset with the current president-elect and to show your disappointment but actions like these, and crazy inflammatory reactions such as wanting to secede from the union are appalling and help NOBODY. It can't be stressed enough that whoever is our president we can't keep polarizing our nation and fighting amongst each other. This doesn't mean we can't argue amongst each other to find out what is best for our country but rather that we can't look at someone's views and reject all discussion and compromise. If we don't stay united than we will never make progress.


The Mexican flags gets me every time. If you love Mexico so much why dont you go live there and stop shitting up the USA.[/quote]
desecrating the american flag is the best possible way to show how you only want the best for your country
fuck those people[/quote]

It is ok to be upset with the current president-elect and to show your disappointment but actions like these, and crazy inflammatory reactions such as wanting to secede from the union are appalling and help NOBODY. It can't be stressed enough that whoever is our president we can't keep polarizing our nation and fighting amongst each other. This doesn't mean we can't argue amongst each other to find out what is best for our country but rather that we can't look at someone's views and reject all discussion and compromise. If we don't stay united than we will never make progress.
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these are the people who need to be deported to make the US great again, assuming this is real


these are the people who need to be deported to make the US great again, assuming this is real
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these are the people who need to be deported to make the US great again, assuming this is real

r u being serious? lol

no like actually there are black people and muslim people who have probably lived here their whole life



these are the people who need to be deported to make the US great again, assuming this is real[/quote]
r u being serious? lol

no like actually there are black people and muslim people who have probably lived here their whole life

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the amount of fake stories being made up to demonize trump supporters is at an all time high

I'm sure some of these stories are fake. I'm sure some of them actually happened. The point shouldn't be to demonize Trump supporters. Not all (I have no idea how many so I don't want to suggest a proportion) of the people who voted for Trump are racist, or act like this.

The point is that Trump being elected both validates and normalizes the hateful rhetoric he used during his campaign as "acceptable" in the eyes of many. This, for me, is one of the most disheartening aspects of his success, and while surely some of these stories are false, the ones that are real are proof of this effect.



the amount of fake stories being made up to demonize trump supporters is at an all time high[/quote]
I'm sure some of these stories are fake. I'm sure some of them actually happened. The point shouldn't be to demonize Trump supporters. Not all (I have no idea how many so I don't want to suggest a proportion) of the people who voted for Trump are racist, or act like this.

The point is that Trump being elected both validates and normalizes the hateful rhetoric he used during his campaign as "acceptable" in the eyes of many. This, for me, is one of the most disheartening aspects of his success, and while surely some of these stories are false, the ones that are real are proof of this effect.
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Most of these sound extremely made up

yeah im totally sure someone pulled a knife on you on a campus bus and nobody did anything about it



Most of these sound extremely made up

yeah im totally sure someone pulled a knife on you on a campus bus and nobody did anything about it
1 Frags +


the amount of fake stories being made up to demonize trump supporters is at an all time high

I don't doubt that, but at the same time not all of them are fake (what a surprise)

I have friends at NYU MSA who posted the vandalism on their door to Facebook/Snapchat
I have friends at Wellesley and Babson who saw/know the two Babson morons harassing Wellesley students

There's no need to demonize supporters, but it's also ridiculous to assume that there's no lack of shitheads that voted for him as well. Most people don't give a fuck about the normal voters, it's the few dangerous ones that everyone is worried about.



the amount of fake stories being made up to demonize trump supporters is at an all time high[/quote]

I don't doubt that, but at the same time not all of them are fake (what a surprise)

I have friends at NYU MSA who posted the vandalism on their door to Facebook/Snapchat
I have friends at Wellesley and Babson who saw/know the two Babson morons harassing Wellesley students

There's no need to demonize supporters, but it's also ridiculous to assume that there's no lack of shitheads that voted for him as well. Most people don't give a fuck about the normal voters, it's the few dangerous ones that everyone is worried about.
4 Frags +
CitricThe point is that Trump being elected both validates and normalizes the hateful rhetoric he used during his campaign as "acceptable". This is one of the most disheartening parts of his success, and while surely some of these stories are false, the ones that are real are proof of this effect.

Only because the liberal media spent the last 6 months painting him as the second coming of Hitler. There are millions of melodramatic liberals in America who really think Trump is about to send right wing death squads to exterminate them.

For example heres a screengrab of how The Daily Show covered Trump supporters on the very night of the election

The point is that Trump being elected both validates and normalizes the hateful rhetoric he used during his campaign as "acceptable". This is one of the most disheartening parts of his success, and while surely some of these stories are false, the ones that are real are proof of this effect.[/quote]

Only because the liberal media spent the last 6 months painting him as the second coming of Hitler. There are millions of melodramatic liberals in America who really think Trump is about to send right wing death squads to exterminate them.

For example heres a screengrab of how The Daily Show covered Trump supporters on the very night of the election
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make America great again, starting with the environment!!!



make America great again, starting with the environment!!!
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Let's not act like hate doesn't come from both sides, especially since Hillary supporters are protesting the fact that Trump won fairly in the democratic system by vandalising New Orleans, also considering we know how much sjw nutcases love to create fake stories for attention and to support their political agenda 90% or more of these stories are probably fake.




Let's not act like hate doesn't come from both sides, especially since Hillary supporters are protesting the fact that Trump won fairly in the democratic system by vandalising New Orleans, also considering we know how much sjw nutcases love to create fake stories for attention and to support their political agenda 90% or more of these stories are probably fake.
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Angry_RockTrump won fairly in the democratic system


[quote=Angry_Rock]Trump won fairly in the democratic system [/quote]

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16jacobjAngry_RockTrump won fairly in the democratic system

That's the point of the electoral college.
If it were up to the popular vote the major counties in the US would always decide who the president was and completely fuck people living in rural communities.

[quote=16jacobj][quote=Angry_Rock]Trump won fairly in the democratic system [/quote]


That's the point of the electoral college.
If it were up to the popular vote the major counties in the US would always decide who the president was and completely fuck people living in rural communities.
-7 Frags +
fahrenheit16jacobjAngry_RockTrump won fairly in the democratic system

That's the point of the electoral college.
If it were up to the popular vote the major counties in the US would always decide who the president was and completely fuck people living in rural communities.

that's a myth, the electoral college was designed to prop up southern landed elites who owned slaves

last time I checked the poor rural black people living in the south aren't exactly benefiting from the electoral college

at the end of the day 1 vote should be 1 vote, period

[quote=fahrenheit][quote=16jacobj][quote=Angry_Rock]Trump won fairly in the democratic system [/quote]


That's the point of the electoral college.
If it were up to the popular vote the major counties in the US would always decide who the president was and completely fuck people living in rural communities.[/quote]

that's a myth, the electoral college was designed to prop up southern landed elites who owned slaves

last time I checked the poor rural black people living in the south aren't exactly benefiting from the electoral college

at the end of the day 1 vote should be 1 vote, period
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mustardoverlordfahrenheit16jacobjAngry_RockTrump won fairly in the democratic system

That's the point of the electoral college.
If it were up to the popular vote the major counties in the US would always decide who the president was and completely fuck people living in rural communities.

that's a myth, the electoral college was designed to prop up southern landed elites who owned slaves

last time I checked the poor rural black people living in the south aren't exactly benefiting from the electoral college

at the end of the day 1 vote should be 1 vote, period

you don't understand what a the point of a republic is do you my dude
pure democracy is just mob rule which is bad

[quote=mustardoverlord][quote=fahrenheit][quote=16jacobj][quote=Angry_Rock]Trump won fairly in the democratic system [/quote]


That's the point of the electoral college.
If it were up to the popular vote the major counties in the US would always decide who the president was and completely fuck people living in rural communities.[/quote]

that's a myth, the electoral college was designed to prop up southern landed elites who owned slaves

last time I checked the poor rural black people living in the south aren't exactly benefiting from the electoral college

at the end of the day 1 vote should be 1 vote, period[/quote]
you don't understand what a the point of a republic is do you my dude
pure democracy is just mob rule which is bad
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SearchlightdollarlayerThere is no such thing as jobs that "American's don't want to do." Just like any job market in the free world if a job is shit and no one wants it then they raise wages until someone wants it, or find another way to solve the problem (e.g. build a robot or automate the work). Case and point.... Last I checked cows were mostly milked by machine in this country....
So you're admitting that the whole deportation thing isn't actually about freeing up jobs for American workers. Because all it'll do is make the business that relied on them close down.

I do not believe that there are American businesses that are relying on an illegal workforce so heavily that if they are removed that they can not hire legitimate legal American's to do the work. All large corporations are regularly audited in multiple ways. The illegal workers are primarily working in smaller businesses and many of them either for cash payments, or are using or borrowing someone elses ID.

We currently have around a 10% unemployment rate. The gov says 5% but those numbers are just fabricated because they consider people that give up looking for work as people that are out of the work force and no longer count them. We have plenty of workers in this country to fill the positions that illegals occupy. And if we don't, and a company can prove we don't have enough or don't have people with the needed skill sets for a job position, well there are special visas for bringing people in, in these situations.

The best thing we can do as a country is employ more American's that are currently on welfare. It saves the gov money, increases domestic production, increases tax revenue, decreases poverty which in turn decreases crime and violence, which in turn decreases the amount of policing that needs to be done etc.

There is no such thing as jobs that "American's don't want to do." Just like any job market in the free world if a job is shit and no one wants it then they raise wages until someone wants it, or find another way to solve the problem (e.g. build a robot or automate the work). Case and point.... Last I checked cows were mostly milked by machine in this country....[/quote]

So you're admitting that the whole deportation thing isn't actually about freeing up jobs for American workers. Because all it'll do is make the business that relied on them close down.[/quote]

I do not believe that there are American businesses that are relying on an illegal workforce so heavily that if they are removed that they can not hire legitimate legal American's to do the work. All large corporations are regularly audited in multiple ways. The illegal workers are primarily working in smaller businesses and many of them either for cash payments, or are using or borrowing someone elses ID.

We currently have around a 10% unemployment rate. The gov says 5% but those numbers are just fabricated because they consider people that give up looking for work as people that are out of the work force and no longer count them. We have plenty of workers in this country to fill the positions that illegals occupy. And if we don't, and a company can prove we don't have enough or don't have people with the needed skill sets for a job position, well there are special visas for bringing people in, in these situations.

The best thing we can do as a country is employ more American's that are currently on welfare. It saves the gov money, increases domestic production, increases tax revenue, decreases poverty which in turn decreases crime and violence, which in turn decreases the amount of policing that needs to be done etc.
-3 Frags +

[most] people aren't protesting because they don't accept the validity of the election, they are protesting because it's the most valid channel of expression against a particular candidate and their goal is to foment a movement

the tea party did exactly the same thing in regards to obama and it helped lead to a wave of new candidates that never would have propagated otherwise

your overly simplistic interpretations as created by r/thedonald do not correspond with reality


[most] people aren't protesting because they don't accept the validity of the election, they are protesting because it's the most valid channel of expression against a particular candidate and their goal is to foment a movement

the tea party did exactly the same thing in regards to obama and it helped lead to a wave of new candidates that never would have propagated otherwise

your overly simplistic interpretations as created by r/thedonald do not correspond with reality
-3 Frags +
Nub_Danishmustardoverlordfahrenheit16jacobjAngry_RockTrump won fairly in the democratic system

That's the point of the electoral college.
If it were up to the popular vote the major counties in the US would always decide who the president was and completely fuck people living in rural communities.

that's a myth, the electoral college was designed to prop up southern landed elites who owned slaves

last time I checked the poor rural black people living in the south aren't exactly benefiting from the electoral college

at the end of the day 1 vote should be 1 vote, period
you don't understand what a the point of a republic is do you my dude
pure democracy is just mob rule which is bad

Please don't patronize me. We have plenty of checks against mob rule that are inherently anti-democratic measures- the Supreme Court and the concept of unconstitutionality in general, the enforcement power of the executive branch, term limits (in some cases), supermajorities requires for some of the most important decisions, the Senate (although I'm not a fan of that one either), etc.

You're just defending the one that, without fail, leads to more conservative outcomes than the average American and is slanted against groups that don't support your candidate (people of color) rather than those that do (rural whites).

I realize that you're in denial of the fact that you're grasping for any element of political theory that seems to line up with your preexisting beliefs, but you are ignorant to both the origins of the electoral college and its outcomes.

[quote=Nub_Danish][quote=mustardoverlord][quote=fahrenheit][quote=16jacobj][quote=Angry_Rock]Trump won fairly in the democratic system [/quote]


That's the point of the electoral college.
If it were up to the popular vote the major counties in the US would always decide who the president was and completely fuck people living in rural communities.[/quote]

that's a myth, the electoral college was designed to prop up southern landed elites who owned slaves

last time I checked the poor rural black people living in the south aren't exactly benefiting from the electoral college

at the end of the day 1 vote should be 1 vote, period[/quote]
you don't understand what a the point of a republic is do you my dude
pure democracy is just mob rule which is bad[/quote]

Please don't patronize me. We have plenty of checks against mob rule that are inherently anti-democratic measures- the Supreme Court and the concept of unconstitutionality in general, the enforcement power of the executive branch, term limits (in some cases), supermajorities requires for some of the most important decisions, the Senate (although I'm not a fan of that one either), etc.

You're just defending the one that, without fail, leads to more conservative outcomes than the average American and is slanted against groups that don't support your candidate (people of color) rather than those that do (rural whites).

I realize that you're in denial of the fact that you're grasping for any element of political theory that seems to line up with your preexisting beliefs, but you are ignorant to both the origins of the electoral college and its outcomes.
-9 Frags +
EmilioEstevezCitricThe point is that Trump being elected both validates and normalizes the hateful rhetoric he used during his campaign as "acceptable". This is one of the most disheartening parts of his success, and while surely some of these stories are false, the ones that are real are proof of this effect.
Only because the liberal media spent the last 6 months painting him as the second coming of Hitler. There are millions of melodramatic liberals in America who really think Trump is about to send right wing death squads to exterminate them.

For example heres a screengrab of how The Daily Show covered Trump supporters on the very night of the election

Your post is literally bereft of logic. The liberal media painting Trump as the second coming of Hitler is the reason why some Trump supporters really are white supremacists? So either a) they were sitting around doing nothing, turned on CNN (lol already) and heard that Trump was a Nazi, and decided they wanted to back him without ever hearing him talk, or b) these racists have nothing to do with Trump, it's completely coincidental that they're popping up the day after election day, and the media is just pretending they're connected?

The point is that Trump being elected both validates and normalizes the hateful rhetoric he used during his campaign as "acceptable". This is one of the most disheartening parts of his success, and while surely some of these stories are false, the ones that are real are proof of this effect.[/quote]

Only because the liberal media spent the last 6 months painting him as the second coming of Hitler. There are millions of melodramatic liberals in America who really think Trump is about to send right wing death squads to exterminate them.

For example heres a screengrab of how The Daily Show covered Trump supporters on the very night of the election

Your post is literally bereft of logic. The liberal media painting Trump as the second coming of Hitler is the reason why some Trump supporters really are white supremacists? So either a) they were sitting around doing nothing, turned on CNN (lol already) and heard that Trump was a Nazi, and decided they wanted to back him without ever hearing him talk, or b) these racists have nothing to do with Trump, it's completely coincidental that they're popping up the day after election day, and the media is just pretending they're connected?
-10 Frags +

what do you think about trump's views on climate ch- MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN WALL MEXICANS IMMIGRANTS CHINA BIASED MEDIA

what do you think about trump's views on climate ch- MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN WALL MEXICANS IMMIGRANTS CHINA BIASED MEDIA
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