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Signed Up January 23, 2017
Last Posted June 3, 2024 at 12:29 PM
Posts 276 (0.1 per day)
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Keyboard Steelseries Apex 350
Mousepad AUKEY Mouse Pad (900x400x4mm)
Headphones Steelseries Arctis 3
Monitor ASUS VG248QE 24"
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#5 FACEIT Comp Sixes Pugs survey in TF2 General Discussion

I would seriously encourage people to fill out the form and give honest answers. Comp TF2 really needs a method that isn't pugging or league play to make it more accessible for people newer to comp as well as those like myself who aren't really involved with pug groups. I hope that FACEIT have learned their lessons from previous attempts, so this can be a matchmaking system that works for TF2.

(Also FACEIT be sure to have a role queue, I don't want to have to argue with randoms to get one to play med)

posted about 2 years ago
#14 Copenhagen Games 2022: LAN is back! in LAN Discussion


posted about 2 years ago
#90 Thank You Letter to RGL in TF2 General Discussion
sacsetsul the kind of german who'd execute villagers for being partisans/franc-tireurs after a friendly-fire incident. Have you considered antlers might just be clumsy and dumb about it and rgl could show here that it does care a bit for people that put the work in for the community, fucking up. i totally agree with bob marley here

"Rules for thee, but not for me"

Also good job conflating war crimes with a videogame league.

posted about 2 years ago
#20 Valve is getting in contact with Mod Devs in TF2 General Discussion

Seems another one has been taken down:


@LambdaFortressLambda Fortress Extended download links have been taken down temporarily due to an arrangement with Valve, more news on this later.

The longer this goes on the more it seems to be a legal consideration than redistribution, especially due to the language of all of these tweets. Again, we don't have enough information to say for certain either way. It can be the creation of official steam pages as we have seen with Half Life mods, or it can be a cease & desist because of the potential use of leaked source code from a while ago. The only ones who know for certain are the developers and Valve, until then we can only guess.

posted about 2 years ago
#1 Valve is getting in contact with Mod Devs in TF2 General Discussion


@OpenFortressDownloads for Open Fortress are currently suspended due to an arrangement with Valve. This suspension is temporary and we will keep you informed on future developments as they come - stay tuned!


@tf2classicHi all. As of this post, downloads for TF2Classic are temporarily disabled due to an arrangement with Valve. This includes direct downloads to the mod through our website, Discord, and launcher. This is only temporary for now. We'll keep you posted for further information.

People seem to be theorising that these will be getting official steam releases, but I am not too sure. I think it's definitely something to do with distribution but maybe something with minor legal issues has to be addressed. Either way it seems that Valve, at least some part of it, has taken interest in these mods.

posted about 2 years ago
#52 Is consistency always a good thing? in The Dumpster
AimIsADickflyingbuddy“What credibility do you have on this topic anyway?”

…Maybe you should start asking yourself this question…
While I have no credibility on this topic, since I have not studied english at a high level, I can say the same thing to you and everyone in this thread, because I have not seen any proof that y'all are credible on the topic of english.

Mate this is getting embarrassing. One does not need to be a linguistics professor to tell you that the hill you are dying on is a dumb one. I have never read or heard the term misconflate in any literature. Whilst I am sure there is some fringe example, a prefix isn't something you just throw on the back of any random word to imply an alternative. You've cited Mirriam-Webster as a source for your claims but failed to check if the word 'misconflate' is even in there (Spoilers: It isn't).

I don't think you are a bad guy, but your attitude in these threads comes off as if you think you know more than you actually do. You fail to recognise when you are in the wrong and engage in borderline pseudo-intellectualism on a video game forum. It's not a good look, bro.

posted about 2 years ago
#17 Is consistency always a good thing? in The Dumpster

Whether something being consistent is a good or bad thing entirely depends on the context of the subject. In a philosophical sense, I will argue that people prefer consistency over irregularity simply because being consistent is more comfortable and easy. Most if not all people will opt for an easier option than gives less reward than a greater reward that provides some level of risk to them.

In TF2, being able to reliably perform unpredictable movement in games does not mean that it is inconsistent. Not being able to do a rocket jump correctly is inconsistent, a scout being hard to hit throughout a game demonstrates that that player can consistently avoid damage.

So in order to answer your vague question, it requires a vague answer. It depends.

posted about 2 years ago
#36 Map Advantage After Upper Bracket in TF2 General Discussion
clckwrkAs far as your second point, completely disagree. It's insulting to assume that players who have dedicated an entire season in the premier league to win the championship would ever choose a playoffs series over their social lives, especially after scrimming the entire week beforehand. And if you suggest this and it doesn't work, the scene crumbles.

Fair, if teams are regularly scrimming you cannot expect them to commit more than what they deem necessary. My argument is that many teams will elect to avoid weekends entirely for league matches, which for me doesn't make a tremendous amount of sense outside of just not wanting to. Which at the level TF2 exists is completely understandable.

EDIT: I do want to quickly add because I forgot, but ETF2L doesn't allow matches to be run on weekends unless absolutely needed in order to have time to verify results. If the league doesn't allow it then obviously you can't play then, but I'm not certain if there is leniency at a playoffs level. This may be a similar situation in RGL so feel free to correct me. I'm just coming at this angle from a player's perspective.

E2: Didn't read earlier posts. I may be dumb.

posted about 2 years ago
#34 Map Advantage After Upper Bracket in TF2 General Discussion

Much of the way we play TF2 nowadays is based on how we've played in the past. RGL seemed to kept halves because most NA players were comfortable with bringing the ESEA format forward. Same with the 1 map advantage, which I believe also came from ESEA. You see a similar principle with ETF2L and their approach. Its the mentality of "why change it if it works?". Realistically we could all play the same way in like 2 weeks, but that requires one or all of the regions to compromise and its hard to convince people thats the right approach.

Also I don't see how its controversial that players should try to play on weekends, typically when most people are available? The only (non-work) argument I can see really holding any water is that if someone's only free time is evenings and weekends, they may not want to commit one of their 2 free days to something they consider a pastime. But if you are in playoffs, especially one offering prize money, I would think that making yourself available is pretty expected. If you want to win, you've got to put in the effort no?

posted about 2 years ago
#70 included middle ban in TF2 General Discussion

I agree with the decision to remove the ban on middle, I think that the Admins were wrong on their part and their overturning was needed. If efforts must be made to prevent people throwing in officials more work needs to be done to determine what 'throwing' actually means within ETF2L. Its clear in the past year or so the admin team has tried to be more proactive in reducing the amount of bad actors who play with their changes in harassment policy and increased number of bans for toxic behaviour. Which is a good thing. But this seemed to be a case of overcorrection and they seemed to have dealt with this respectably; no badmouthing, little hostility from the admins, and no public spectacle.

posted about 2 years ago
#9 funding and running future tournaments for tf2 in TF2 General Discussion

Having worked on a few weekend cups both good (DreamHack/Lockdown Throwdown) and bad (Essentials Monthlies) there are a range of lessons I've picked up so I hope that these answers are helpful. Also speaking for myself only, not Essentials as a whole.

1. Right now any prize pool should try to reflect the effort teams would normally put into their respective leagues. I think in the range of $200-300 would be reasonable for smaller tournaments not relying on external sponsors, can be higher with signup fees but that comes with its own considerations.

2. Most of the tournaments I've been involved with has featured separate Invite and Open brackets, where the top teams from Open qualify for a playoffs with the Invite teams. This is mainly for two reasons:

  • A) Matches in the invite bracket can be casted for good stream content for the audience and potential sponsors
  • B) Takes the best players out of the open pool, making matches a bit fairer

Note: You could also use the rationale in point B to create a Newbie only group to take the lower skilled players out of the main tournament if you so wish.

3. Mirroring regional league formats tends to go over easiest, but I recommend that you do timelimit 30 with a 10-15 min golden cap if needed. Doing so gives you a strong estimate for the longest a single map/match can take.

4. Ask around. It isn't particularly difficult to get something decent with a few friends and someone learning the basics of producing (Camera Binds, When to switch POVs, Casting Essentials, etc.). Most of the more experienced people involved with producing or casting tend to be quite keen if they are free.

5. There are a range of systems (both through tournament systems or externally) that allow signup fees, I believe both Challonge and ChallengerMode both offer it but I cannot say for certain.

I'll finish this with some advice, the existence of leagues makes frequent weekend/2-day tournaments not particularly viable, as people will get burned out or uninterested fairly quickly. Its tough work making yourself stick out from the crowd and there's a lot to think about when it comes to organising. I wish you the best of luck if you decide to go ahead with it.

posted about 2 years ago
#4 DreamHack Beyond TF2 Events in TF2 General Discussion
bknAlways hype to see events like this especially when there's a good backing like BTS putting money on the table. With that said wtf are these competitions. The majority of people on this forum/that play this game want to see 6's, personally could not care less about a fashion show. Considering I have spent most of my time jumping I'm super excited to see the jump tourney, but I don't think that opinion is the same for most of the rest of the community. The clip challenge will be cool but just not gonna get hyped on like a pub chain stab or something like that. Once again not trying to come after BTS, very thankful that they are supporting our community, just confused as to how this is the format for an 8 day long event with no 6's or even HL for that matter.

The DreamHack Community Clash events that we have run over the past few months were originally for the Beyond event, but unfortunately couldn't sync our tournament with their expo. In short, we wanted to use Beyond to showcase different parts of the TF2 Community not typically covered by us or organisations like DreamHack. The social competitions (Clips and Fashion Show) were created to try and provide something that the entire TF2 community could take part in, not just the most elite and talented of us. The organisers of Beyond and the leaders at Essentials really wanted to promote the community aspect of TF2 and these competitions aim to do just that.

BTS has nothing to do with this event or DreamHack/DreamHack Beyond.

posted about 2 years ago
#125 EURO 2020 predictions in World Events

Hello Moderators, how do I change my flag on this website?

posted about 2 years ago
#11 Faceit 6v6 update plan coming soon in TF2 General Discussion

In all honesty, we need a platform like FACEIT. Trying to play 6s without a team right now (at least in EU) sucks for anyone who is below Div 2 because your options are limited to random mix groups which usually die after 3 months or are just filled with circlejerks, or you have TF2Center which is a toxic cesspool where top players will play against some pubber whos trying comp for the first time. They usually leave after 3 games cause some random middie who thinks they are god's gift to tf2 trashes on them. You also have to wait 20+ minutes for two people to go med.

FACEIT has a good opportunity to be a proper hop-in queue-based way of playing comp. Something we haven't had since...well, the last time they tried. Their first attempt was not ideal, as there was no role queue so it was a mad scramble for what roles you wanted and the points they award incentivised bad actors throwing matches. I think that their 6v6 mode shouldn't award points outside of their Missions (Do x amount of damage, Get x assists) otherwise people will abuse the system as we have seen from their 12v12 mode. Now that they have the capability to implement role/map queues this may be something that can actually work. In addition, their Hubs mean that groups can run matches for certain groups such as newbie-only or Rank 10 players.

It's worth a shot, I just hope that they've learned from their mistakes.

posted about 2 years ago
#1 Feedback for Community Clash in TF2 General Discussion

Hello all,

Over the past few months, we have organised and run four tournaments under the DreamHack Community Clash banner (NA/EU each with a Newcomer and Open tournament). Alongside the event, we ran numerous livestreams to provide coverage for the event. Now that we're all wrapped up and working on prize distribution we thought it would be a good time to hear your feedback on the production and event on the whole.

We would like feedback on:

  1. Production
  2. NA Clash Organisation/Structure
  3. EU Clash Organisation/Structure
  4. Event as a whole
  5. Anything else you can think of

Here are some general details about the events we ran over the past 2 months.

General Approach

  • Newcomer & Open Tournaments
  • Multi-weekend event
  • Soft-region locks (w/ exceptions)
  • Minimising downtime, both on stream and for players

NA Clash

  • First weekend was planned for Invite Qualifiers if needed, second weekend was the main event
  • Open Swiss and 8 Team Invite, following into a 16 team Single Elim Playoffs (all Bo3)
  • Staggered schedule (Open, Invite and Newcomer run at different times)
  • ~6-9 maps on Day 1, up to 12 maps on Day 2
  • 9-10 Hours Day 1, with 7-8 hours Day 2

EU Clash

  • First weekend was group stages, playoffs in second weekend
  • Open Swiss and 6 Team Round Robin Invite, following into a 16 team Double Elim Playoffs (UB Bo3/LB Bo1)
  • Synced Schedule (Group stages ran at the same time)
  • 3 maps on Day 1, up to 4 maps on Day 2, up to 9 on Day 3, up to 9 on Day 4
  • Around 4 hours per day for Weekend 1, and 6 hours for Weekend 2

Thank you to everyone who took part, and special shoutouts to ArchRhythm, Jon and Kirsty for setting this all up. Additional thanks to all the staff involved in the behind the scenes operations of this event. Couldn't do it without you.

posted about 2 years ago
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