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Last Posted April 21, 2021 at 11:36 PM
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#39 pegging in Off Topic

things don't really belong in your asshole, but if you wanna put em there I ain't one to judge

posted about 3 years ago
#58 lower those rgl fees tho in TF2 General Discussion
rgl might have smaller prizepools but at least it really gives u that community league vibe, what with the admins making all decisions behind closed doors without consulting the players!
Nub_Danish5-9th place invite shouldn't be getting any prizes imo it discourages competition and help to enable the low-invite cirlejerk to continue to exist. I don't see why you'd want the same little cry babies who don't have a chance of beating froyo and don't even aspire to beat them to continue to take up invite spots rather than bringing in new blood who will at least improve and dream of beating froyo.
You might want to have 5-6 reimbursed for there league fees for placing that high each season, but paying out the 7-9th for just existing feels stupid af especially when the top advanced teams are probably better than or at least competitive with them.
posted about 4 years ago
#27 lower those rgl fees tho in TF2 General Discussion
SeniorsodaNub_Danish I don't see why you'd want the same little cry babies who don't have a chance of beating froyo and don't even aspire to beat them to continue to take up invite spots rather than bringing in new blood who will at least improve and dream of beating froyo.
imma be real with u chief no one thinks they're gonna beat froyo, you might as well take away 2nd place prize money with this mentality

also wtf is the "low-invite circlejerk," invite definitely gets more circlejerky the higher you go

this is true tho

The difference is the top 4 teams actually placed in the standard prize distribution of a competition, the other teams didn't they just existed in the division. 2-4 demonstrate that they are at least somewhat competitive even if they aren't trying for 1st or think they can get it. The payout for 5-6 is mostly just because I think tf2 would struggle to get enough teams for mid invite if they just have to pay large fees every season in exchange for nothing.

posted about 4 years ago
#24 lower those rgl fees tho in TF2 General Discussion

5-9th place invite shouldn't be getting any prizes imo it discourages competition and help to enable the low-invite cirlejerk to continue to exist. I don't see why you'd want the same little cry babies who don't have a chance of beating froyo and don't even aspire to beat them to continue to take up invite spots rather than bringing in new blood who will at least improve and dream of beating froyo.
You might want to have 5-6 reimbursed for there league fees for placing that high each season, but paying out the 7-9th for just existing feels stupid af especially when the top advanced teams are probably better than or at least competitive with them.

posted about 4 years ago
#27 Why are Americans like this? in World Events
kawaim a good citizen i wear a mask

< .1% deathrate, oh the humanity tbh

3mil infections / 217k is about 14% that's before taking into account chinas blatantly false numbers and keep in mind death rates will likely go up as infections increase because there won't be enough staff or medical supplies to treat everyone

posted about 4 years ago
#25 Why are Americans like this? in World Events

You understand millions of people will die of starvation if the lockdown continues much longer right, but I guess it's just gonna be poor brownies in countries you don't care about so it's nbd right :) #keepthewhitiessafe

posted about 4 years ago
#118 Discussing Scratch's ban and RGL in TF2 General Discussion

It's pretty amazing that the most toxic people are always one's the tf2 community defends

posted about 4 years ago
#57 what makes you angry in Off Topic
mustardoverlord20 million people die each year from starvation, preventable diseases, and lack of healthcare, and that's not even including war, climate change, and many things I'm probably forgetting

stalin and mao were terrible dictators, but to believe that socialism as an ideology is responsible for the deaths that occurred while they were in charge and to not blame capitalism for the deaths that occur as a result of the distribution of resources on this planet is just not accurate
Nub_DanishI don't know dude mao and stalin intentionally starved people, tortured and imprisoned people I think it's pretty reasonable to blame those deaths on the government whereas your desire to blame the inherent principles of scarcity and the fragility of human life on capitalism is kind of laughable.
and yet you choose to blame those deaths on the political philosophy that mao and stalin purported to represent, not on mao and stalin themselves? shouldn't I blame the deaths caused by hitler, franco, mussolini, winston churchill and george w. bush on capitalism then? what about forces even more inextricably tied to capitalism as an ideology, like slavery and colonialism? what about climate change, which has literally only been made possible by endless capital accumulation?

of course, this is even without getting into the total blackpilled language about "inherent principles of scarcity and the fragility of human life" when we have more than enough food and medicine just sitting in warehouses but can't create a planet that distributes resources humanely and somehow that's non-ideological

Also to blame capitalism for deaths of people because they didn't give those people the resources they need is absurd. Are you to blame for every person who dies because you didn't take up a job as a relief worker to save them, must every person make a sacrifice for the benefit of others or be responsible for harm that comes from not making said sacrifice?

Food and medicine isn't just a distribution problem, it's mainly a storage problem it doesn't matter if we drop a literal ton of food onto every starving African village the food will spoil in days and they don't have the necessary medical knowledge to properly dose and apply most medicines you can give them. I know it's really easy to blame everything on "greedy capitalists", but these problems are much more complex than you're making them out to be.

posted about 4 years ago
#52 what makes you angry in Off Topic
mustardoverlordBlame-_-mustardoverlordpeople with boris johnson's politics wish death on literally millions of people
unlike socialism which has caused 0 deaths of course

more people die as a result of capitalism in like 10 years than stalin and mao combined killed in their entire time in charge

we just choose to blame deaths in socialist countries on socialism and deaths in capitalist countries on things other than capitalism, because we are taught capitalism as the default, not even to be thought of or questioned

I don't know dude mao and stalin intentionally starved people, tortured and imprisoned people I think it's pretty reasonable to blame those deaths on the government whereas your desire to blame the inherent principles of scarcity and the fragility of human life on capitalism is kind of laughable.

posted about 4 years ago
#37 what makes you angry in Off Topic
Air_when someone asks you to pick them up something at the store but don't specify what they want exactly then get mad when you get the wrong thing

When I've lived with someone for years and I ask them to get milk at the store, but don't specify the exact % fat of milk I want and they get me the wrong one. Like do you even know me?

posted about 4 years ago
#15 RGL Invite S2 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
GrapeJuiceIIIboxcarppl r still really expecting blaze to show up to a lanhey invite admin, cool post

You sure get some quality admins when you just take the first retards to apply :)

posted about 4 years ago
#53 What do you wish you had realized/learned sooner? in TF2 General Discussion

when you get into a stalemate you can do other things than sac your roamer

posted about 4 years ago
#26 House passed a $2T relief bill today in World Events
FigglebottomNub_Danishmustardoverlordwhat the fuck are you talking about, I literally didn't even mention trump's name lmaoI think the implication of your comments was pretty clear, but we can pretend you didn't mean it if you want :)
>be pelosi, democrat house majority leader
>different party and branch of government than trump
>gets criticised by some neet degens in a video game forum
>somehow an attack on trump???

canadian trump supporters sure are a special breed aren't they lmfao

Pelosi having to fight harder means she must have someone to fight against (republicans/trump), saying it's the best the senate could do further implies that the other branches of government were opposed to it. I don't know how little you know about the political landscape, but the speaker of the house of opposition party is generally in direct opposition to the president as long as it is politically beneficial. Maybe mustard was trying to say Pelosi didn't want a better relief bill, but idk why'd you say fought if that's what you meant.

posted about 4 years ago
#22 House passed a $2T relief bill today in World Events
mustardoverlordwhat we really need in nyc (and everywhere else) is a rent freeze, but because our country is backwards and evil everyone's proposing mortgage relief instead

obviously both would be ideal but it's always fun to see the renting class get shafted

Renting to someone is seen as a service you're continually purchasing, a mortgage is just a loan on something you already theoretically have bought.

posted about 4 years ago
#9 House passed a $2T relief bill today in World Events
mustardoverlordwhat the fuck are you talking about, I literally didn't even mention trump's name lmao

I think the implication of your comments was pretty clear, but we can pretend you didn't mean it if you want :)

posted about 4 years ago
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